Help us give a warm welcome to our new Wednesday night All Levels & Guided Meditation teacher, Miriam Pierson!
A bit from Miriam:
“I Feel Grateful that I encountered Yoga as a teenager. While my practice at that time was far from consistent, I see now, it was a priceless gift to be exposed so young.
After a very painful knee surgery, I dove deeper into the healing energies provided by faithful practice. While the physical benefits called to me originally, I began to see that this Sacred Ancient Tradition offered so much more. I became especially intrigued with the Empowering Concepts of Feminine & Masculine Deity in the Eastern Culture. While Yoga is not a Religion, My Journey often provided me opportunities to further examine my personal beliefs & open my mind to a world much larger than previously known. As a young Mother, I often experienced a longing in My Soul, to Know, In Order To Be Able to Guide My young children aright. The religious upbringing of my own childhood seemed to me, incomplete. The door opened a bit more, and lead me further down my Yogic Path, exploring both my role as a forever student & also as a teachers of these Beloved Truths.
Over the past decades, Yoga has become a Way of Life. A Science. A Practice. A Union. It is my Prayer that as our paths cross & intertwine I will Inspire Passion Within You, as it has been Awakened Within Me. ~ Namaste”.